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Robotic applications

Fast adaptation of new gripper and fixture shapes with a significant lightening. Improving gripper functionality using conventional gas and hydraulic channels. These are some of the many benefits of additive manufacturing in robotics.

The possibility to integrate dozens of individual components into one functional unit will enable even more significant weight reductions and subsequent better outcomes of the whole robotic system.

Low weight, improved functionality and low production costs. That’s a summary of the 3 greatest benefits from a case study about a robotic arm intended for careful handling of products. With integrated air vessels, unmanufacturable otherwise, and a customized shape of the mounting part face, it was possible to use additive technologies to the fullest.

The case study of SigmaDesign, which designed an automated robotic arm for labelling fruit using their innovative approach and additive technologies.

The Gimatic company produces custom-designed gripper jaws according to precise requirements from their clients.


Spoločnosť Gimatic vyrába čeľuste gripperov s prispôsobeným dizajnom podľa presných požiadaviek klienta.

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